Dynamic Style background-image class - not displaying


Having trouble with Dynamic styling of background image, using Dynamic Attribute >> Styling > Style.
I am not sure of how to enter the information correctly in the Wappler app structure properties for Dynamic attribute ‘Style’. I am applying it for a section div and I also tried a row div, and couldn’t get it to work.

When I select Style, what should I enter for ‘Name’ and ‘Value’ for a background-image class?
See screenshot

I hope you can kindly assist.

Do you want to use a dynamic value for the image, as your example shows a static one?

Remove the colon ':' from the Name
Use the dynamic Picker (Lightning) to select the dynamic value of the image

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If you want to use a dynamic value, then follow what’s exaplained here:

Otherwise for static image, just use the design panel.

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Thank you @Teodor and @UKRiggers. Yes, I would like to use a dynamic value.
I will give that a go!