Dynamic images?

Hello Randy,
Your last video shows the right procedure of binding data. Either your images are not located in the folder you listed, or they are not uploaded there. Please check that, or provide a link to your page where we can check this.

I found the problem. Evidently queries do not like special characters included in their statement… I was using a prefix to catagorize and sort my images so they display in the proper table. I had been including the hyphen separating the prefix from the filename. When I removed it, all the images displayed. (The lumps from banging my dumb head against the wall are healing fine :grinning:).

On another issue… I have published my database and website to my host provider’s site and all work fine… EXCEPT I still cannot understand how to use Wappler to upload everything to the remote site. When I do, my pages that display the dynamic images break. When I use FileZilla to upload, the pages display the tables rows and cells, albeit not the images (except for the “Wild Lifes” tab on the ‘gallery.html’ page which does display the images). Please visit my test site and the screen caps above to review.


Good catch Randy, we have to do more database fields values escaping, @patrick will check it out .

As for the publishing just select the live site target and hit publish:

Do make sure your live database and local dev database have the same credentials so the database connection properties are the same

The images links are wrong in your galleries, the server seems to be case-sensitive. In the “Wild Lives” gallery you have images with lowercase, in the other galleries it is Images, that is why they don’t show.

I don’t think that the hyphen requires escaping in the LIKE statement, I will check it out. What is the database you use?

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Holy S… you have a great eye. My host’s linux server must be case sensitive with its pathing. Since I changed the uppercase ‘I’ to lowercase ‘i’ the images all display.

Can’t thank you enough - I never would have noticed this!

BTW, I use MySQL.

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Dynamic images and dynamic attributes

@psweb maybe a candidate for your tips. "Most Linux servers are case sensitive. always check the case of paths and files match "

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