Dynamic data not appearing if inside a row

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but it’s bizarre. Been bumping my head against a wall for a while so thought I’d finally post it here.

I have a small form with some fields which will be hidden after testing that are above the row html. The inputs inside the row–>column–>form-groups don’t seem to access the dynamic data. If I move them out to where the two inputs that will be hidden are (outside the row) the data appears.

I’ve tried it in both Wappler 6.0.0 Beta 5 and 5.8.2 with same results. I thought maybe it had something to do with making the row a conditional row so I removed that and it still didn’t show the data.

Not sure what I could be missing. Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Inside the row

Outside of the row

Sounds silly but try removing the row id attribute if you have it set?

Unfortunately it didn’t make a difference. The ID is removed when you take off the conditional. Even leaving the conditional but removing the ID doesn’t work either.

Appreciate the suggestion though.

I’m facing a similar issue too where I have a text input after a form repeat.
And the form is not reading the value.
My workaround was placing the input on top just like you did.

->Form repeat
->Text input
Not sending text input value

->Text input
->Form repeat
Sends text input value

I don’t know if it’s related but wasnt able to open a bug report yet since I’m far away from home.

I wonder if its related to the two issues we have?

Data Store populating form inputs, and Server Actions. Neither are setting the value of inputs when used as the source for the value of the input.

I turned off experimental in 5.8.2 but didn’t make a difference.

Can you please post your code and also explain which part of it exactly doesn’t work?
Also are you on the stable or beta extensions channel?

Sharing the code from the page would help work out what’s going on. It’s likely to be a mistake in your bindings

Here’s the inputs inside the row that don’t show the data unless I place the input outside the row. Binding works fine if outside the row.

Screenshots of code are far from ideal. Could you copy and paste the actual code, including the whole row.

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Sorry was heading out the door so I took a screenshot real quick. Here’s the whole row html.

<div class="row align-items-start" is="dmx-if" id="conditionalPricingTableDescriptionInput" dmx-bind:condition="query.edit&amp;&amp;!query.showdetail&amp;&amp;browserWebApp.location.pathname.endsWith('pricing')">

          <div class="col-12">
            <h3 dmx-style:color="varPrimaryColor.value">Pricing Table</h3>

          <div class="col-auto">
            <div class="form-group mb-3">
              <label for="inpPricingTableListingStatus" class="form-label">Listing Status <i class="fa fa-question-circle" dmx-bs-tooltip="When set to active, the pricing table will be available to customers." data-bs-trigger="hover"></i></label><select id="inpPricingTableListingStatus" class="form-select" name="listing_status" required="" dmx-bind:value="scPricingTable.data.qPricingTable.listing_status">
                <option value="">----</option>
                <option value="Active">Active</option>
                <option value="Inactive">Inactive</option>

          <div class="col">
            <div class="form-group mb-3">
              <label for="inpPricingTableDescription" class="form-label">Desciption</label>
              <textarea id="inpPricingTableDescription" class="form-control" dmx-bind:value="scPricingTable.data.qPricingTable.pricing_table_description" name="pricing_table_description"></textarea>
          <div class="col align-self-center">
            <button class="btn btn-primary" dmx-bind:disabled="scPricingTable.state.executing||itemsConditionalDetailContent.formDetailItems.state.executing" dmx-on:click="run([{run:{action:`itemsConditionalDetailContent.formDetailItems.itemsSaveAction.setValue(\'save\')`}},{run:{action:`itemsConditionalDetailContent.formDetailItems.submit()`}}])" dmx-html="'Save Pricing Table'" dmx-style:background-color="varButtonBackgroundColor.value" dmx-style:color="varButtonTextColor.value">Save</button>


@Teodor, 5.8.2 is set to stable extensions channel

I just realized that none of the binding inside that row is getting process. Looks at the dmx-html tag on the Save button and look at this screenshot. The button text isn’t changing to Save Pricing Table.

Same if I had in a placeholder in a button like this. Not processed.