Dynamic Class Not Working With SPA & NodeJS

Wappler Version : 3.2.1
Operating System : W10

Expected behavior

Using dmx-class:class-name should apply class dynamically based on the condition.

Actual behavior / How to reproduce

This is what the condition on my dynamic class is: dmx-class:class-name="browser1.location.pathname == '/'"

When the page is loaded first time, it works fine.
Then, I redirect to another SPA page, where the condition returns false and the class gets removed.
But, when I go back to the home page, this class does not get applied.

I event tested the condition in dev console, and there is no issue with that.
Also, I am using the same condition on a conditional region, and that is working fine too.
That conditional region shows up when on index page, then disappears when on SPA, then is visible again when on index page.

Please help.