Download Prior Versions

Is there a way to download a prior version of wappler? I have the new version and since I upload new files all my prior forms have stopped working.


Hi Eric,

I don’t think updating Wappler would cause your forms not to work. Do you have a live link we can test? What do you mean when. you say they don’t work?

Honestly not sure what is going on. I created a new site with a basic form and database insert. With wappler Version 3.1.0 the forms would not insert into the database. I then proceeded to create that same form on another prior creation from wappler 3.0.3 and it worked fine. I thought I did something wrong but I uploaded the server connect files from the new setup on 3.1.0 and all my old forms that I didn’t edit immediately stopped inserting. So I just restored the website from last night backup and the old forms are working fine. I can replicate it if need be. It seems like if you create a fresh site something is wrong with the server connect files.

Please check the exact errors returned as explained here:

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