Don't upload duplicated Server Actions_copy until renamed and saved?

Would it be possible to stop duplicated Server Connect Actions from being uploaded with _copy until after renaming or saving? Kind of getting cluttered up with _copy after _copy after duplicating Server Connect Actions, is it necessary to upload the *_copy every time?

It’s not a huge issue but it feels like not clearing up litter if you get my drift…



Good one - will see what we can do.


Thank you @George

Will there be an update today? @George , @Teodor

Yes, but how is that related to the topic you are posting in?

I hoped that the duplicate file feature will come with this update. :slight_smile:

This was implemented in Wappler 2.6.4

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Sorry i voted for it before i saw you had already added it, haha, too quick you Wappler guys.

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