Does wappler make changes to the app.js file in the framework7 folder in the root of app files

Binding dynamic data in navbar does not show binded content in ios devices, but it works in web and android devices, so i added this code to the app.js file in the framework7 folder in the root

        // Because we want to use dynamic navbar, we need to enable it for this view:
        dynamicNavbar: true

my question is does the app.js file gets over written on wappler updates. i ask because i am using framework7 with appconnect and to my knowledge wappler handles the app.js file for us


i realized dynamic content show in navbar in ios when the theme chosen in the app root in the index.html page is Aurora and Material, when Auto or ios theme is chosen dynamic content does not bind in the ios navbar but it works fine in android and web except it ios theme.

No we do not use that file.

When you choose to use “Framework7 with App Connect” instead of just Framework7 then all dynamic data bindings are automatically done for you by app connect.

But dynamic binding doesn’t not work in navbar in ios when chosen theme is Auto or ios.

But it works when theme is Aurora or material

We support data bindings only if you choose to use our integration of App Connect and Framework7

In you use only Framework7 core - you are responsive of all the data bindings by yourself as you have to do it manually.

yes binding works in pages, but the issue is the navbar , check the video to understand what i am saying, that a fresh app i just created .
i think the issue is coming from the theme. i am just sending url parameter to the page. and i am using framework7 with appconnect
there are 3 cases

  1. when the theme is auto , dynamic content shows in android and web pages but it doesn’t show in ios. it just shows as plain text
  2. when the theme is Material or Aurora , binded content shows in web , android and ios.
  3. when the theme is ios binded content does not web, android and ios.

check the video to understand what i mean, i have checked in emulators too i am getting same result