Docker Machines / Certs not pulling with git

Hi all,

I’ve created a project from git, and am using that fine.

When I went to deploy to remote I noticed the certificates and machines are not available on the second computer I’m using from time-to-time.

Can anyone provide guidance around what I need to do on the main computer to ensure git picks up the certs/machines so they can be pulled on other computers.


The certificate are located in the docker folder of the computer used to create the target:
~/.docker/machine/machines (on mac)
sorry I’m not sure what the location is on Windows/Linux

Just copy the folder with the target’s name from this folder to the same folder on the other computer you want to use

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Thank you, I did this but was looking for a solution that didn’t require it, e.g. something in dockerignore - but all good, this is easy enough to do - thanks.

I use Syncthing to keep directories synced with multiple computers

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