Dmx date picker

Wappler Version :4.9.0
Operating System :windows 10
Server Model: node.js
Database Type:mysql
Hosting Type:DO

Expected behavior

Date picker with time picker initiated shows selected date and time selected in associated text input when apply button selected.

Actual behavior

Only date correctly shown.
Time shows 12.00 am no matter what time is selected.


How to reproduce

Add date picker initiate time picker select date and time.

Found the issue, here an update. (2.4 KB)


Great thanks Patrick
dmxDatePicker.js Version: 2.1.1 works as should.
Not sure the css is working properly tho.
When selecting the dark theme styles don’t change from the original.

oops update: styles now working.
All working

Thanks Again Patrick

Hi Patrick
just discovered date range picker doesn’t handle times correctly.
When 0.00 in 24 hr is selected it defaults to 12pm.

Wasn’t able to reproduce that, it returns the time correctly for me.

I am having this issue too, I tried the update but it has not solved the problem.
am I correct in assuming that I copy it into the folder \dmxAppConnect\dmxDatePicker and upload to site

What browsers are you using?

hi barronshark
Yep, upload as you said but don’t update when prompted by the ‘projects assets updater’ when opening the project again.
When you say you are having the same issue, do you mean just with the date picker or date range picker as well?

I have not tested the date range picker yet

The issue I am having is when I try to update the date and time It will store the date but time defaults to 0000 regardless of what is already stored in the table or what the field is changed to in the picker. I moved servers this week and it was working on the other server (I assumed it was a configuration issue on the new server but it is more likely to be this. I have gone through 15 different server configurations and they all have the same issue lol)

Chrome, opera and firefox…
firefox won’t even allow the time select to show times at all on the date range picker

Ive tried on chrome and brave

This should be now fixed in Wappler 4.9.1

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