Development and Live Databases

@antony, while I hope Wappler continues to make development easier for us, I don’t want it to become Bubble. There are so many parts of web/app development that are complex and will never be something that is easy to understand for the uneducated, unless you limit the choices available or charge extreme amounts on top of what the actual platform/resources cost if you did it yourself.

Sometimes you have to spend the time to research and learn things outside of your comfort zone. Expecting all of it to be laid out for you in a straightforward way is not always possible, especially with the various options available in a tool like Wappler.


No, I was just trying to see what, if anything, was out there that could possibly be used or built into Wappler. It's possible none of these are worth investigating. The small amount of time I've spent seems like they will take considerable time to learn and add into any deployment process.

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IF you can find a copy of Navaicat lite up to version 8 lurking on the web (just google it, there are plenty of sources) it is free, alternatively Heidi SQL is also pretty good

Hey @kfawcett, thanks for that perspective!

I guess the thought process I am going along is not to remove any of the flexibility, but to give a layer of simplicity that will attract more new users…

I love the way Wappler works, and want to do my bit with my beginners hat on to suggest ways Wappler could be attractive to more people… and I personally believe a part of that would be to make as smooth a transition as possible for Bubble users to migrate along.

And… as I want to invest my work for the next 10 years into a Wappler based app, I also have a vested interest in seeing Wappler be as successful as possible! :slight_smile: