Development and Live Databases

Hi there @JonL…

(you may not like my answer either! :slight_smile: )

Thanks for your reply… but I have to say that in my opinion, that kind of answer is going to turn away someone coming from Bubble with my kind of background. In my view:

The opportunity with Wappler is the freedom of choice and flexibility.
but also…
The challenge with Wappler is the confusion of choice and flexibility.

Especially when it involves a whole new world of tools and terminology you are not used to.

And as you will have seen with the response from @ChadWyatt, we only have so much patience in looking to move to another platform before we decide it isn’t worth the effort. And in that evaluation process, we want to feel safe that we understand the big picture and all will be okay. For me, being told how I should approach my learning and that I should just trust something will be okay is a big turn off. I personally need to know and trust in how this will all integrate together before I am willing to make the leap.

So please, I would ask again if someone is able to answer my question… and while there may be a wealth of different answers, point me towards one or two possible solutions, and especially ones that are not too complex and maybe most easily relate to my existing knowledge of how Bubble works. And if the answer is “this will all be really simple when we have a database manager product” then an overview of how that may work and some kind of timeframe for its expected delivery would be really helpful!

Best wishes,