Deployment time using digital ocean

Since the last update I have noticed that my when I deploy to my droplet on Digital Ocean it takes at least 10 minutes. Prior to the last update it was taking a couple of minutes at best.

The only thing I changed was that I added a background video, but I cant see why that would take so long as it is quite small. I create a new droplet and tried it again but the problem still exists.

Any ideas?

Hi, have you figured out why it takes so long to deploy a droplet to DO?
I encounter something similar. Deployment time is taking more than 30 minutes in my case and increases with each new deployment

Do you mean creating a new droplet ( server)

Or just hitting deploy?

No it is an existing droplet ‘rebuild’ .
Last deploy took about 50 minutes.
I do notice that the cpu and memory are maxed out during the deployment.
With 50 minutes at full cpu and memory, perhaps there was a glitch at DO.
I shall monitor the next deployment update and report back if it goes better/worse.

Mai be your droplet is just full, see:

Could that be with a project folder of 12 MB?
It is a tiny project with only some html pages and api.

Edit: I uploaded a wrong screenshot (not the hosting droplet)
here is the returned data from the droplet:
Screenshot 2021-10-11 at 07.42.31

In my experience, it could be that dockerignore is not ignoring the user uploads folder.
This folder does not get deployed, but if not mentioned in dockerignore, it will still be included in the docker package/bundle that gets sent to the server.

You can see the size in the output panel in Wappler. One of my projects has 23mb package, and there is no issue with deployment. So the 12mb size should not be a concern here.

Hi Sid, thanks for chiming in, where can I adjust the setting for dockerignore?
In Wappler or on the Digital Ocean Dashboard?

In Wappler. Open file manager.
Right click on any file and select show hidden.
Then you can see and edit the file.

Also, you can do the same directly on project folder.

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A cleanup button has been added to Wappler 4.4.2

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