Deploying DB to Digital Ocean with Docker

I am trying to deploy my app to Digital Ocean via Docker. Right now, I am not wanting to create a separate cloud db. I want to deploy my DB and app together in the same Docker container. From what Ive been reading, that is the easiest way to do this…or am I way off base here?

My front end deployed just fine, but I keep seeing the connection refused error in Wappler when I look at my db on the DO target.

I followed the deployment docs and it did not mention anything about this.

Can someone tell me what I am missing here?

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 2.56.10 AM

You have selected probably a wrong SSH key. Seems you have selected the SSH keys of the docker machine instead of the SSH key that the server was created with.

How is the server created? Did you use the new Resource Manager? Then probably your own key is used and if it is a default one you don’t have to specify it.

Thank you for the reply. I did not use the Rea source manger. I just followed this doc

I couldn’t find any instruction on using the resource manager in this way.

Basically I just want to push the db structure and all the server actions I made in dev mode to my digital ocean droplet. From the only instruction I have found, it looks like I’d have to rebuild all that from scratch. I really hope that’s not the case.

I just want the simplest way to deploy my existing Docker project.

@George Also through the process in the doc, there is no option to select an SSH key.

You can try the new way with resource manager:

Keeps saying unable to authenticate me when trying to add the key that was created when the server was created.

It is not letting me add, change, or generate a new key.

Can you specify on how to select the key the server was created with?

In case this is impacting you.

I have had intermittent trouble pushing to docker containers today.

Thank you, but I don’t think that this is the problem I am having. That says the problem is on AWS. In my case I am using Digital Ocean, and my front end is deploying just fine.

I believe the problem is that Wappler’s documentation is out of date and there is no clear explanation on how to deploy.

You might be right, but the AWS reference is to docker’s platform, not yours. I am not on AWS either, I am pushing to DO and there are clearly problems today. Usually takes me 2 or 3 attempts to get a clean build.

I’ll keep at it. It is just insanely frustrating that most of Wappler’s docs don’t match up with what is actually there. The reasource manager doc George shared doesn’t mention anything about using it to deploy and I am just about ready to give up. Every major thing with Wappler has had a major road block that could be easily removed with up to date documentation.

@cgrulke, can you remove the private key reference in the Database section, save, and try deploying to your DigitalOcean target again?

I just tried that and still have the same result. The front end deploys but the database doesn’t.

How did you add the remote server to Wappler?

Does it exist in the Resource Manager under the Server section?

Does it show like this in the target?

I was originally trying to add them through project settings - targets like it shows in this doc.

Then after the problem I am having started, I shifted to using resource manager. Still having the same problem.

The problem is that there is no docs on how to get my dev db structure to the production server.

Did you create a new server in Resource Manager or did you import an existing DO server?

I looked into importing an existing server but the list dropdown was blank. So right now I am trying to create a new db cluster and it is provisioning as I type.

I feel like I am just stabbing in the dark right now.

IDK, I am at the point where I am willing to Venmo someone to walk me through this over video chat.

Yeah, best to slow down. You don’t need to create a DB cluster if that is not what you want. There is probably something wrong with how you initially went about setting everything up.

We can go step by step here, or I’m happy to do a video chat tomorrow.

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