Date error with MariaDB?

Hey @Marzio,

Just noticed on your video the database connection step in your serveraction…

How can that step exist inside your api?
I mean I only have seen in in old video tutorials and documentation…

Now, with what version of wappler you work on that project?
Everything else looks like wappler 6+

In fact it was made years ago with a version of Wappler of the times
But by opening the Wappler project he asked me to update and that’s what I did

Hi Teodor
sorry if I bother you again, but still due to the problem of updating numeric fields with NULL value, I created the action again.
Now it no longer gives me an error in the first MotorID field, but a more generic error:
“message”: “Array to string conversion”,
The fields that have this problem are set up like this

Schermata 2024-04-04 alle 11.22.38

I noticed something that could be the cause of the problems
The site is a few years ago, and had been created with Bootsrap 4
But recently I changed design framework in bootstrap 5
But if the bootstrap folder verifies only a bootstrap 4 folder is present

The error means you are sending some array value, where it expects a string.

Bootstrap versions has nothing to do with your backend code.

But I have no $ _post classified as array

You are sending some array value somwhere with your $_POST vars probably.

I found what caused it
I have 3 file fields for uploading PDF documents
They always worked, but not anymore
I tried deleting them temporarily from Query Update and the update works
Now I just need to figure out how to fix this

Schermata 2024-04-04 alle 12.13.44