Database query not showing in select field

I am trying to populate a select drop down field with dynamic data from a database query.

Seen here

If I check the query I get results as seen here

Here is my code

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And what is the exact issue with the select menu on the page? Is it empty? Is it not showing any values when you open it?

I have tried to paste the code several times and this is what happens…

To answer your question

I am expecting a list of 2 exhibitors to show up in the drop down to select from and that is not happening, there is no data that shows up in the select field.

<!-- Wappler include head-page="layouts/admin" fontawesome_5="cdn" bootstrap5="local" is="dmx-app" id="profile" appConnect="local" components="{dmxBootstrap5TableGenerator:{}}" -->

 Welcome Back, {{}}

Default checkbox
One checkbox
Single checkbox
# First Last Handle

My question is - is the dropdown showing XX empty records or it just doesn’t open the dropdown at all?

it is empty as in it sees no data

Are there any errors in the browser console? Can you share a link where i can check this?