Database Connection & Query Problem

Server model is Classic ASP
Database is SQL 2012+
Test Connection returns OK status
Query Builder returns tables and columns, but cannot add any data to site.

http://localhost/test/dmxConnect/api/Data.asp returns the following error.
“errorNumber”:-2146823281,“message”:"‘sql.wheres.rules’ is null or not an object"

I don’t need a condition on the select statement, but added one anyway, now I get
“errorNumber”:-2147217900,“message”:“Incorrect syntax near ‘@P1’.”

I have never seen this with DMXZone DW extensions.
Any help would be appreciated.


I get a different error if I setup a SQL Native Client 11 System DSN

“type”:“Error”,“fileName”:“lib/db/connection.asp”,“lineNumber”:6,“message”:“Required module “lib/db/server/undefined” does not exist”,“stack”:[{“fileName”:“lib/db/connection.asp”,“lineNumber”:6,“method”:“Connection”,“args”:

I’ve worked out what the issue is.
It’s the amount of records being returned, when adding a condition which reduces the row numbers its OK.
In DMX Server Connect you were able to set Max Records Returned (1000 default) when adding your Database connection.

I cannot see this is Wappler, any ideas?
