Data bindings make the text not visible

Other than adding the script tag <script src="/dmxAppConnect/dmxFormatter/dmxFormatter.js" defer=""></script>, what is the best way to reset all the default libraries in case there's another error in the future?

There's no need to reset any libraries. All the components used on the content pages include their scripts on the main/layout page. Just make sure it's saved when previewing the page in the browser. A little blue dot in the page tab shows it's not saved.

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I meant to say, how do we reset the libraries on the layout page? I was following the Hyperbytes course, and in it, he created the "admin" layout page. But in the course, he didn't add the libraries to the admin layout page.

Currently, my libraries in the "admin" layout are not the same as the libraries in the "main" layout from following the course. For example, the admin layout is missing others such as the dmxValidator, dmxBrowser, dmxNotifications, etc. Were those supposed to be added in manually, or are they supposed to automatically appear on each new layout page generation?

these will be added depending on what components are you using on the pages based on this layout page. If you are not using Validation, Browser component and Notifications, there's no point to load their js files on page load. They will be added when you use the components on some of the content pages.

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Just to clarify, the script tags will be added automatically to the layout page based on the components of the content page?

In the code of the content page, it mentioned the dmxFormatter:

<!-- Wappler include head-page="layouts/admin" fontawesome_5="cdn" bootstrap5="local" is="dmx-app" id="manageusers" appConnect="local" components="{dmxBootstrap5TableGenerator:{},dmxFormatter:{}}" -->

However, the dmxFormatter script tag was not added to the admin layout when I was using the dmxFormatter on the content page. How could that be, and isn't it supposed to automatically add itself?

Yes, they are added automatically on the main page.
As i explained you earlier - most probably you did not save the changes on the main page, after the component was added there initially...

Thank you Teodor

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