Custom module (php) - invoking connection


I need to write a custom module/server extension in PHP to export a portion of my MySQL database.
I’m struggling to find the portion of code to invoke the current connection from wappler
(what otherwise would be something along the lines of $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=".$DBHOST.";dbname=".$DBNAME."; charset=utf8", $DBUSER, $DBPASS);), so I can then run construct my queries and write a SQL file with their output.

Thanks for the help!

I just posted asking for this yesterday… :sweat_smile:
Access 'DB Views' in query builder and NodeJS

I’m very new to Wappler so I could be wrong, but I don’t think it stores the connection info in variables. I found it as a string in dmxConnect/Modules/Connections/db.php when I was manually uploading files to another test server and the connection failed cause I needed to change the password.

That is correct. But there could be a built-in method or object in Wappler so that the data in file can be readily available as a connection string.
I haven’t looked into Wappler’s own files yet for the implementation, maybe that will give a clue. Best bet is to get this information from @patrick directly.

I’m adding @George and @Teodor on top of @patrick to see if they have time to look into this.

Here an example on how to use the db connection and the sql builder from server connect.


namespace modules;

use \lib\core\Module;
use \lib\db\Connection;
use \lib\db\SqlBuilder;

// create a module called dbuser
class dbuser extends Module
  // get user from database
  public function getuser($options) {
    // connection option is required
    option_require($options, 'connection');
    // userid option is required
    option_require($options, 'userid');

    // parse expressions in the options
    $options = $this->parseOptions($options);

    // get the database connection
    $connection = Connection.get($this->app, $options->connection);

    // query
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserId = ?';
    // params
    $params = array($options->userid);

    // execute query
    $results = $connection->execute($query, $params);

    // return only first result or NULL when no results
    return count($results) ? $results[0] : NULL;

  // get user from database (using SqlBuilder)
  public function getuser2($options) {
    // connection option is required
    option_require($options, 'connection');
    // userid option is required
    option_require($options, 'userid');

    // parse expressions in the options
    $options = $this->parseOptions($options);

    // get the database connection
    $connection = Connection.get($this->app, $options->connection);

    // build the sql query and params
    $sql = new SqlBuilder($this->app, $connection);
    $sql->where('userid', '=', $options->userid);
    // compile it

    // execute query
    $results = $connection->execute($sql->query, $sql->params);

    // return only first result or NULL when no results
    return count($results) ? $results[0] : NULL;

Thanks @patrick !