Custom App Module - AG Grid Table Generator

Above bugfix and feature have been released in @cdmx/wappler_ag_grid@1.7.4

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Added support for this - Search/Filters will now work on display manipulated data.

It would be better to use a AC formatter for this, like the one below:

    dmx.Formatter('array', 'splitOut', function(array, exclude) {
    let excludeKeys = exclude.split(',');
    return => {
        let newItem = {};
        for (let key in item) {
            if (!excludeKeys.includes(key)) {
                newItem[key] = item[key];
        return newItem;

Roney, Thank you. I tested the field exclusion during csv export and it worked so thank you very much for the support.

Another bug maybe related or not? The grid goes into a pattern of continous redraw when I try to name the csv file:


Hi @Audioboy,
Am unable to replicate this issue, its working fine for me.


can you share a screenshot of what issue your facing

Released Beta support for Exporting Grid Data to PDF (Color changes included).
Added support for Class Toggles for Action Buttons.
Added 10 more buttons in Custom Action Buttons.


I updated my existing extension and now my tables are greyed out when the page loads, I'm not seeing any console errors, any ideas on what this could be?


It was the 'enable overlay' option. I deselected it and the table worked as normal:


I don't mind having this disabled so its not an issue for me, maybe this will help someone with a similar issue..

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Thanks for the update @TMR.
Will look into this.

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All bugs/Issues which had been reported have been fixed in v1.8.13


Thanks for this great extension @Roney_Dsilva :clap: :clap: ¿Could you include the Spanish translation to the locale?

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Hi @Luis_Saldana,
Sure, will add this support in the next release.

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Support for Spanish(ES) released in 1.9.7


Hi @Roney_Dsilva, thank for the release :clap: After updating the extension I am facing this error:

More details:

I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but, the first time I tried to update the extension using this command from terminal:

npm i @cdmx/wappler_ag_grid

I restarted Wappler and I got the error. The second attempt was from the Project Options -> Extensions, removing (restarting) and installing again (restarting) the extension, but I had the same error.

The translation appears in the menu option of the extension

Thanks for your help!!

Hi @Luis_Saldana,
Could you please try adding additional AG Grid, on same page or different page which is using the same layout, just so to trigger copy of the locale.min.js file occurs into the public/js folder, and same should get linked in head of the layout, i see that the trigger didn't happen automatically in your case post updating the AG grid.

Thanks for the immediate response.

That's it, after added a new AG Grid, the system was correctly updated, thanks for the effort on this @Roney_Dsilva !!


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Hi @Roney_Dsilva, Trying this for the first time today and very impressed! I have a question. In my table I have an image shown as a path. I would like to have that show as the image. I think I would do that using Advanced Data Manipulation but I can't work out how to do that. First, is it possible, and can you give me an example? I am using the sample data from wappler and looking at the user table with the user avatar. Field is a text field named avatar.

Hi @steveni,
This might be possible with Display Manipulation - JS Function:

Haven't tried with images before though, give it a go, below is a sample:

 function jsChanges(data) {
   const html = `
       <img src="${data.avatar}" alt="User Avatar" style="max-width: 100px; height: auto;"/>
   return html;

Add your function onto the page

specify the field name in first column ex: avatar
specify the function name in the second column ex: jsChanges

Thanks @Roney_Dsilva. You are a genius. Worked perfectly!

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