But maybe the wappler auditoria is php focused, otherwise I can’t explain the php features in the last release and no js at all. If you were looking for graphql gems, g_qty on client and garph on server will give you the same features as trpc - type safety, type deferring, code completion, etc without needing schema and codegen https://twitter.com/ci_step/status/1630589041329545217
In the orm category, the https://twitter.com/DrizzleOrm is the hottest now with support to typesafe query building and automatic db migrations
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It’s called Flutter
Why should I complicate myself with flutter, can you do SEO on flutter? Then, I would rather choose rust based tauri framework, at least you can compile for one more platform - desktop and even microsoft recently started to port some core feature in windows from c to rust. Have google, at least, ported some infrastructure/services to flutter?
That’s the same challenge as React, Angular, Svelte, Vue have… Can be solved on different ways, but that wasn’t my point, I was just joking around that Flutter (and other, e.g. Capacitor based) frameworks can run on Web and Mobile with zero code reqwriting.
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zero code rewriting was meant for non-native features