Contact form not sending

Yes I am reading that step right now

I am almost done with it:

But for to the App Structure panel it look different from what I have (see picture: it show a “Handler” field but I don’t see this in my App Structure panel…Anyway I connected my server action file and should be ok I guess:

Yes, handler has been changed to “make server connect form” so it should be fine.

So good news I just give a try and now I receive the “Message” field by email
But unfortunately I do not receive the Name and email field…
Is my setting correct?

Well… you need to bind everything you want to receive in the content field :slight_smile:
How would the script know what info to send if you don’t bind it there?

I know what happened! I had to close Wappler as it was not responding and I had not click “Save Server action” so the latest change was lost lol

Now everything work fine I receive all fields.

The next is I will configure some successful message after visitors send the contact form.

P.S.: I have to says the process in Wappler is far more complex and need lot more steps then what I was used to with Flexilyout and others but I do understand that there is a lot more possibilities and power with Wappler so I will get used to it with time.

Thank you again Teodor for your help :slight_smile: