Conditional vs Show

Is it by design that when setting a column to be conditional, and the condition is NOT met, only the contents of the column are hidden, while the column itself remains visible? For example, if the column has a border, the border will still display when using a condition, but the border will not display when using Show.

Here’s what my experience with this has been:
When using show/hide or CR (conditional region), the styles of the element itself would always render. Its the children that are either not visible or not rendered, respectively.
Sometime later, with a bootstrap update, using show/hide correctly completely hid the element itself such that its styles would not render.
CR just don’t render the children elements. But the main elements’ styles do get rendered, as you have noticed.

This seems logical from my understanding since CR does not do a display: none, hence the element itself should get rendered. Its just the children that are not rendered in the browser.

It would be interesting to know if there is some other explanation for this.

When this discussed before, here, @Teodor mentioned:

I wonder if this development is still planned.