Client-side image resizing before upload - Megapixels (Mb) rather than Image Resolution (pixels)

@UKRiggers have you found a solution for this…? or point me in a direction of what you have used to do this?

I have used this in the past but not used it since working with Wappler. I will need to use it in the next few weeks if nothing appears within Wappler.

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I’ve just voted for this. is a great example of image resizing without uploading anything, it’s all done in/by the browser.

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Hi Jon, there are lots of options like the one you mention. Problem is that we can’t expect users of the systems we build to find these extra utilities. Especially when they are out in the field, under pressure and on a mobile. It’s being on a mobile that is the real issue.
My Feature Request above would do everything behind the scenes and the user wouldn’t know.
Thanks for voting.

Absolutely. I only mentioned the bulkresize site because it demonstrates the image manipulation we’re looking to do without uploading anything to the server.

It looks like the new App Flows feature will be including this, though, so I don’t think we’ll be waiting much longer.

Yes, I did see that and wondered (hoped!). I don’t like to get my hopes up too much :grin:

any word on client-side cropping coming to Wappler?


Bump this one. It has a reasonable amount of votes (i think). Perhaps the team can schedule time to implement this feature? :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:

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@Mennovandijk don’t expect this anytime soon, I requested it three and a half years ago! And still no sign of it. Even George at the time said it was a good feature request.

Bump :slight_smile:

Would be great to have this, however on the plus side it does seem as though the groundwork is being put in to create our own extensions which will allow feature requests like these to hopefully be fulfilled by the community!

Well we are still busy with groundwork.

The problems is that App Connect data bindings doesn’t support binary data yet.
So we are working on that and the plan is to add more Flows actions to process the binary data.

So you can have multiple flow actions working on top of the binary data and manipulating it.
Like have the Image Processor - client side in flow actions. Now it is all server side only.

So yes it is in the pipeline :slight_smile:


Hi, will this change/update your working allow cropping (like croppie) as well as compressing or resizing?

for android phones, you used to be able to replace the camera app and set a resolution of snapped photos - so they would upload faster. a client had a specific camera app - but recently he said the latest android OS stopped allowing this. don’t know for sure, i’m apple

for iphones, there’s an easy way to take a bunch of pics, select them and run a built-in resizer on them - using “shortcuts” (part of the OS). no additional software needed.
I just tried it per
but this article is out of date and items have changed (but you could contact me for help).
i took some images, applied my “resizer” which was set to resize to 800px longest edge. 5 images were instant.

depends on exactly what you need - if you need to be on a wappler app and upload an image AND IT CANNOT BE from the image library, and has to be shot RIGHT THEN LIVE, then for iphone this won’t work.
But if I need to go to a location, take 10 pics, then back to my truck to login and upload, I can certainly spend 60 secs to run my Shortcut on those images before logging into the Wappler app if saving the upload time is important.

So I don’t see why this needs to be built-in to wappler.


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… Bump!.. :slight_smile:

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Any Update on this yet?