Can't get Google Places Autocomplete API to work

Has anyone successfully managed to get Google Places Autocomplete to work with a Wappler Web App project?

I saw a post on doing this with a mobile project but nothing relating to web.

Steps I’ve taken (following this Wappler doc:

  1. Create a working SC Action calling the API (tested and the schema returns fine).
  2. Add SC in F/E Components.
  3. Convert form input to Autocomplete and select the SC action. Choose ‘Description’ for text and places ID for value. Save.

Literally nothing happens!

Any ideas?

just bumping this in case anyone has managed to get this working on a web app project and would be willing to share some knowledge.

I have a SC correctly returning schema and also a straight F/E API returning schema. I bind these to the autocomplete as the data source - but a I type, nothing happens on the auto complete itself!

Haven’t done this yet but plan to do it (just for saving address info not necessarily the places)

Let me know if you get it working.

Honestly, I think it’s going to have to be custom. I have scoured the forum and there seems to be a few people without luck getting it working. I’ll share whatever code we use.

Google Places Autocomplete has been integrated in Wappler 3.3.0

4 posts were split to a new topic: Google places Autocomplete on content pages gives error

Hey man, this does not address the specific issue at hand.