Can't edit Dynamic Modals - Bug Report #1631648042341

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.19043
  • Wappler Version : 4.0.4

Problem description

Can’t edit modal from the App Structure menu. (937.9 KB)

This error shows up when I click the modal in the App Structure menu:
modal is not a function

The modal does function on front end:

Happens on mac on same project, as well.

Okay sorry guys I cocked this one up! On a positive note: it works!
The cause was that I had script includes in both the layout file and the page file. This was because previously the Google Maps component did not want to persist the api key. This is fixed now, since some recent update. I just forgot to delete these extra scripts that I copied.

This can be considered as non issue! :hugs:

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