Cannot see any Font Awesome options

I cannot see any Font Awesome options since updating to v.3.3.2. I have a page full of buttons with Font Awesome icons and I cannot change any of them using the right-hand Properties panel

<i class="far fa-paste fa-fw fa-lg"></i>

What do you mean by:

Where are you not seeing these options? What do you see then? Please post some screenshots.

I have done some quick investigation and I have noticed that the Wappler header info had gone from this

<!-- Wappler include  head-page="dashboard.php" appconnect="local" is="dmx-app" bootstrap4="cdn" fontawesome_5pro="cdn" jquery_slim_33="cdn" moment_2="cdn" id="dg_admin" components="{dmxBootstrap4TableGenerator:{},dmxBootstrap4PagingGenerator:{},dmxFormatter:{},dmxDataTraversal:{},dmxStateManagement:{},dmxNotifications:{},dmxDatePicker:{},dmxAutocomplete:{},dmxValidator:{},dmxBootstrap4Modal:{},dmxDatastore:{},dmxAnimateCSS:{},dmxBootstrap4Tooltips:{},dmxBootstrap4Popovers:{}}"-->

to this

<!-- Wappler include head-page="dashboard.php" appconnect="local" is="dmx-app" bootstrap4="cdn" components="{dmxBootstrap4Modal:{}}" -->

And the only thing I can see is that I have recently added an extra Modal to the page. You will see that 'dmxBootstrap4Modal:{}' was previously listed.

So I assume that because things are now ‘missing’ from the Wappler Header, that is why I am having this issue.

The right-hand Properties panel for the button has no Font Awesome options showing

Can I paste the first Wappler header back into my document? This is from a backup file.

Yes, but when exactly did it change?

I was working on this page this morning (up to 10am UK time) without any issues. I have come back to this page at about 4pm this afternoon and it is then that I added the Modal. I am sure I added the modal before updating to v.3.3.2 but only noticed the issue after making further changes since the update.

So can you try resaving the page and see if the comment changes again?

Is the fontawesome framework added to your content page?

I have saved, closed file and saved, closed Wappler reopened file and saved. All is OK. The Wappler header continues to stay intact.

I pasted the header back and can now see the Font Awesome Property options so all seems OK.

@George the Font Awesome Framework is on the Parent page

I know it’s own the parent page but it also needs to be shows as detected on the content page as well. So check if it is checked in the add framework menu.

Yes it is there in the header

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Fixed in Wappler 3.3.5