Can You Help Me? Javascript Function Call Causing Page to Re-load

I have a form which calls Stripe via some javascript that Stripe supply.

The form payment_form is defined like this on the page:

<form id="payment_form" method="post" is="dmx-serverconnect-form">
	<div id="card-element">
		<!-- Stripe Elements will create card input fields here -->
	<button id="b_pay_now" class="btn btn-success" type="submit">Pay Now</button>

And the Stripe Javascript looks like this:

<!-- Stripe elements/js script -->
<script src="stripe.js"></script>

	var form = document.getElementById('payment_form');

	form.addEventListener('submit', function (ev) {
		stripe.confirmCardPayment(dmx.parse(""), {
			payment_method: {
				card: card,
				billing_details: {
					name: dmx.parse("to_be_paid_by.value"),
		}).then(function (result) {
			if (result.error) {
				// Code to show error
			} else {
				// Payment successful - Code to process payment data

This all works perfectly.

So now as my design evolves, I want to call a Server action first, and then if the result of that is successful then I want to to submit the payment to Stripe.

To do this, I need to perform a payment_form.submit() type function. However I can’t do this in Wappler as it is not a server action based form.

So I have defined a javascript function to do it:

   function submit_payment_form() {

I call this function from a flow:

<script is="dmx-flow" id="flow_submit_payment_form" type="text/dmx-flow">{
  runJS: {function: "submit_payment_form", name: "submit_payment_form"}

And for testing purposes, I call the flow from a button:

<button id="b_pay_now2" class="btn btn-success" dmx-on:click="">Pay Now Function Call</button>

My expectation is that this will submit the payment_form in the same way.

However it actually causes the whole page to re-load like I had clicked the browser’s refresh button.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? :thinking:

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What if you make the form a Server Connect Action but don’t specify anything in the Action field? Just thinking out loud Antony, aka brain farting… Maybe this will stop the form submitting?

Hello Antony,
Submitting form by using a submit button and submitting it using javascript .submit() are two different things for the browsers.
That’s the reason why the form.addEventListener('submit', function (ev) { does not detect the submission, when using .submit().
This event only fires when it is activated by an user - and does not fire when activated by javascript.

Thanks for clarifying that for me @Teodor!

Do know how I can achieve what I want to achieve?

I really don’t know much about Javascript - that is why I use Wappler! :slight_smile:

  1. Create a button inside the form. Set class d-none.
  2. Set the dmx-on:click of button to submit the form. (Or, you can make it a submit button. I don’t use it this way because user may hit ‘enter’ on an input and that will invoke the hidden ‘submit’ button click also.)
  3. In JS, do a click event on the button. Eg: $("#btnSubmitHidden").click()
  4. This will submit the form “Wappler-way”, and it will not reload the page.

@sid, you are a genius.

Thank you soooooo much, that worked perfectly! :rocket: