I've been having a problem for a while with the servers (localhost with Xampp) and remote not finding files that are obviously right where they are supposed to be. I read in another post that Camel Case file names and in general can be an issue.
Unfortunately I have used this throughout my project.
My questions are: Is this a problem or is it just a red herring that has nothing to do with my problem? If it is an issue, does anyone have a work around?
Test connection says everything works. BTW, when I add the folder under Local Folder it never holds it. Finds it. I save and then go back and it's gone.
I dont use XAMPP but I use MAMP that is almost the same. Insead of localhost you need to use the Localhost IP that commonly is But you need to enable access XAMPP via ip.
Well this happens as locally you are working in a subfolder in the server root, and your links are set up relative to site root. Your server root is http://localhost so links are relative to it.
Curiously I changed the base href to ../ and the files are all found. However, I have one last error. This is from the Chrome developer tool:
file: D:\Inetpub\vhosts\rodgilchrist.com\httpdocs\promotables\dmxConnectLib\lib\db\Connection.php
Line: 105
Message: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known.
The database (MySql) is hosted by the same company that hosts my site in Canada. I connect to it using the Wappler interface. Everything shows up in the Database Manager. I see all my tables. When I test the queries they return the expected results. Is this what you mean?
That error message talks about (e.g.) mod_security, Wappler is not connecting to the DB directly, but rather some PHP file of the Wappler framework to run a test query
Edit: Forget it Teodor, I thought you were replying to his last message literally
Please contact your hosting provider and ask them for the correct database connection details that you need to use.
Testing connection directly from the Globals might not work if they have some restrictions running, but the connection from your server when you upload the site should work when using the correct connection details.