Nearly 40 votes! We use FullCalendar on just about every deployment of a back-office these days, almost standard to have a drag and drop calendar in such an environment, as well as Gantt charts and other scheduling functionality. Certainly well requested.
implementation is really easy for fullcalendar and I have already mentioned above with examples.
Because fullcalendar is a licensed application (I did not read the license description. I know it’s only licensed.), it may be legally problematic to add it to a wappler. For this reason, it may not have been added.
of course @George can give more detailed information …
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
events: [
// events here
editable: true,
eventDrop: function(info) {
alert(info.event.title + " was dropped on " + info.event.start.toISOString());
if (!confirm("Are you sure about this change?")) {
Another great update but would really like to know the time scale for the Full Calendar component being included in a Thursday update? Calendars with Flows would be a great combination!
Think it would make for a perfect example for showcasing Flows that people can easily relate to, especially schedule management type provisions, whereby you may want to run other actions one after another in good order upon adding an event to a schedule. Its a use case that many of us would easily identify with…