Calendar Individual Event Colors

ok, got the date to show up correctly. The form is not saving to the database so there is another error somewhere. oh well, will keep trying. My MySQL data fields are formatted to datetime.

What input type are you using for the calendar dates? If you are using anything other than a standard text input you’ll probably need to format the date time so your database accepts it. I.e if you are using the datetime local or date inputs.

I used text on the app side which is not logical to me but that’s what worked and I found an old post that found that too. However, on the server side, I used date for the post_field type. That worked. All the other types gave me headaches and didn’t work on the app side. The date dialog boxes overlapped each other and erased each other’s data.

In some circumstances you may need to format these inputs (app side) using the date formatter.

Try leaving these set to their defaults (or set to datetime) and see if your insert is stored?