Calendar and javascript

Hello, would it not be possible to add more parameters to the calendar, like in the example below, which works very well until we add a source to the calendar

<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar1');

  var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, {
    initialView: 'timeGridThreeDay', // Vue par défaut avec 3 jours
    headerToolbar: {
      left: 'prev,next today', // Boutons de navigation
      center: 'title', // Titre au centre
      right: 'timeGridThreeDay,timeGridWeek,dayGridMonth' // Vues disponibles
    views: {
      timeGridThreeDay: {
        type: 'timeGrid', // Utilise la vue timeGrid
        duration: { days: 3 }, // Affiche 3 jours
        buttonText: '3 jours' // Texte du bouton pour cette vue
    allDaySlot: false, // Désactive la ligne "toute la journée"
    locale: 'fr', // Définit la langue en français
    themeSystem: 'bootstrap5', // Utilise le thème Bootstrap 5
    dayHeaderFormat: { day: 'numeric' }, // Affiche seulement le jour (ex : 23)
    // autres options...


You can enable all of those functions for Fullcalendar in Wappler itself. As far as I know pretty much most of the Fullcalendar features are accounted for within Wappler... Which specific feature/function are you referring to exactly?

the possibility to hide the line all day, the possibility to only display a limited number of days so that the display is correct on mobiles there are plenty of other functions

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Maybe create a Feature Request for them? Would get my vote! :slight_smile:

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