Bug Report #1735906559332

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.26100
  • Wappler Version : 7.0.0-beta.14

Problem description

When I try to use the 'publish' to upload to the remote server button I get an error message 'mirror: pattern is empty'. This happens with a one page test PHP site with one hosting company and also with my main site which is node.js and hosted with another company. For both sites FileZilla works fine. Curiously, I can use the upload button in Wappler to publish single files to remote but when I try to publish a folder then again I get the error message 'mirror: pattern is empty'.

Steps to reproduce

1.Wappler create or edit pages
2. Use the Publish button
3. Turn off the Git and Database update options in the Publish window
4. Click the publish button lozenge.
5. Wappler Notification appears saying there was an error
6. The terminal reports Executing Upload Synchronization
cd ok, cwd=/public_html
mirror: pattern is empty
7. This happens with PHP and Node sites

Tagged for link to solution.

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