Save button does not work for new target

OS info

  • Operating System : Mac OSX 22.2.0
  • Wappler Version : 5.3.1

Problem description

Cannot add a local docker container. Save button does not work for new target

Steps to reproduce

  1. open settings
  2. add docker hosting
  3. Click save

the save button actually does not work for any of the tabs on settings.

Also not sure if it is related but when going into settings Server Side in General Tab displays correctly as:

The trying to add new local dev docker:

Go back to General tab and Server Side loses it’s settings:

I also have a remote Linode docker that can also not be added in settings. Save does not work in targets tab in settings as indicated:

Weirdly enough under targets in .wappler folder all these attemps of mine were added but did not display in UI

Please restart Wappler with logging, reproduce the problem and attach the debug log. See:

@pixlapps This just happened to me on a new project. Have you found a work around?

I reverted to older target folders and files that I had committed to git before my changes. Was the only way I could work around.

These files are in the hidden .wappler folder.

But do not mess with files manually if you aren’t sure what you are doing.

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Yea I ended up doing the same thing. I did notice that the save button does work on a new project when you first create the target.