Bug Report #1638348291496

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.19043
  • Wappler Version : 4.4.1

Problem description

I am setting up a button in the form that will set a value in the text field when clicked.

<input name="date_confirmed" type="date" required="" class="form-control" id="date_confirmed" placeholder="Enter Date confirmed" aria-describedby="date_confirmed_help" data-rule-date="">
<button id="btn6" class="btn" dmx-on:click="date_confirmed.setValue(var_date.datetime.formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd'))">Button</button>

In the past, when I clicked on this button, it would just set the value in the text field, but recently when I clicked on it, it would submit the form.

Please check:


Thanks for the reply.

I replaced the dmxAppConnect and the problem is gone.

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.4.2