BS5 Tootlip error

Wappler Version : W5 B4
Operating System : Mac M1
Server Model: PHP BS4
Database Type: Maria
Hosting Type: AWS Docker

Hi @patrick,

I think there may have been a typo in a recent BS5 Tooltip extension update. I now get the following console error:

I believe it is because the node isn’t being passed to the placement function on lines 6 and 25

:crossed_fingers: should be a quick fix


Try out this version: (530 Bytes)

I get

If you pass node to the placement function it all works (and keep it as node.getAttribute…)

Looking further at this
I think it might be that BS5 tooltips were added to a BS4 project by Wappler.

If I strip out the BS5 tooltips JS from the head page and leave just the BS4 one, the tooltips don’t show at all (no error in console)

If I comment out the BS4 from the head page and include BS5 with node passed to the placement functions it works perfectly. It seems like the BS5 code is backwards compatible (with this changed to node as above)

Made a small change, please test this: (543 Bytes)

Looks good so far. Thanks @patrick

Fixed in Wappler 5.1.4

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