Best way to expose failing processes in php & mysql?

I’m in the Mac Intel Catalina Osx environment.

What is the tool developers here are using to expose the errors with a php page failing to execute a query to a local database?

The debug setting does not work for this.

And the Chrome Developers Tools is not not showing what I need to see even in Network & Event Log settings.

I only see the persistent TimeStamp error but that is not required to save a record in my table.

Apache & mysql server logs not helpful.

Maybe this will help you:

Thank you, George.

I had done this Debug Setting when I started this project but I selected a Temp folder instead of leaving it blank.

Thinking that logs would be stored there, but after days of working on this project there are no files there. Is this option supposed to work ?

Would selecting a Temp folder stop the Chrome Developers Tool from displaying?

Because I have tried this for a couple of days and this form page does not appear at all to inspect. I can review the timeline and see when each field was filled in before I submitted but the Fetch/XHR in the Network tab does not list the page.

Which is why I was looking to find another tool.

You don’t have to select temp folder. The temp folder is only used for temp file upload storage and if not specified system default is used.

Log files are very much dependent on the server model or web server you are using.

So for php those depend on the settings you have in php.ini

Using docker PHP > Getting PHP Error Logs in Docker ?

I’d assumed that the the Wappler config.php file which contains the $CONFIG_DEBUG = true; was designed to be the top-level php directive.

Or that a PHP Project would automatically write the php.ini for debugging functions.

I’ll also have to go ahead and create a separate php.ini file, then.

Thank you @sid ! I’m reading your history!