Best practices in organizing Server Connect actions

I have learned to use a very detailed folder structure for organizing my server actions. Makes it very easy to find what I am looking ofr as compared to a long list of actions. However, I’m not against a search tool. I could see some people needing it.


I agree that this is the best approach. After some projects developed realized that organizing Server Actions in folders saves a lot of time when project gets bigger and bigger.


Maybe you can give a sample of good logical structure and how you apply it in general @brad and @t11

Such best practices are requested here.

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Sure, I create a folder for each page or feature of the project. Inside those folders I create folders for forms, lists or other actions. Of course this is just one way to organize the actions.



Wooow thanx so much! This is very useful and shows how a project can be structured, cause its the beginning of every project and very important, as long as we cannot really rename actions now.

That with Forms and Lists makes sense to me. I try to think about CRUD, so :

MainAction could contain :

  • List : R(read) and D(delete) makes sense on same page
  • Forms : C(create) and U(update) are very similar and needs forms

@brad and @t11 I respect your privacy of each of your project, but maybe some sample structure within these folders would be interesting.

Similar post with some infos about organization folders and server actions: