Autocomplete format, delay, and grouping

I've just started on the Wappler trial. I'm not a developer, but do have some experience in developing using PHP and JavaScript.

I have implemented an autocomplete input using a large data source (nearly 100,000 records). Is there a way to delay the query until a minimum number of characters have been typed? Firing immediately is relatively useless for a large data source and slows the usage considerably: typed characters (even the first one) are not displayed until the autocomplete has been processed.

Additionally I notice that, with Match Case not set, it works but highlighting only shows on the exact matches. I presume this is a bug?

Finally, how would I go about introducing grouping, or some other additional formatting, into the autocomplete? For example, to produce a result something like this? (In this example, there is an additional column in the data source used for grouping.)

Hey @bubomike, unfortunately the auto complete component is missing those features.

You could build your own autocomplete using an input field with a div below it that shows the content. This should also allow you to create the grouping design. This is more work, but you'd have better control of the design.

There is a fairly old feature request you could vote on and bump for minimum character count.

If you really want a feature-rich autocomplete you could find someone to create a Custom App Connect extension for Algolia Autocomplete or dive in and build it yourself. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the response. Algolia certainly looks very comprehensive. One for a future look maybe: for now I'm checking various features to see if Wappler might work for me.