Apply docker machine services fails to perform

Wappler Version : 3.6.1
Operating System : mac
Server Model: php or node
Database Type: maria
Hosting Type: remote docker

Expected behavior

Clicking Apply will start the process of portainer and traefik updates

Actual behavior

Nothing happens on click

How to reproduce

Intermittent error that is always resolved by a Wappler restart.

Please restart Wappler with logging, reproduce the problem and attach the debug log. See:

@mebeingken could you check if this is still an issue and supply a debug log if it is.
As I really can’t replicate it.

Here is a log with 3.7.0. Today, I cannot get to the Apply button (just a Deploy button), and the problem is a bit different – I cannot see the toggle for Traefik. (11.7 KB)

Maybe you can try to enable the experimental options and try again - Traefik is still in there, will make it official in the next update

Ahh, of course, experimental. :man_facepalming:

I cannot replicate this any longer, feel free to close it.

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