AppFlow, how do Set Global, Assign and Set Storage work? Whats their purpose?

VS Code is still the king.
Tons of extensions, plugins.

How did you graduate from a website builder to more full stack mobile apps? The things you’re building now go way beyond RapidWeaver functionality.

Prepros looks really useful.

I am full stack (front and backend, Java, PHP, HTML/CSS) for 30 years now and I started with mobile apps in early 2000, they have been called “MIDlets” at this time and have been written in Java. :slight_smile: Later then Android/Java and iOS/ObjectiveC, but that wasn’t fun and not really economic. When Adobe PhoneGap (Adobe’s Cordova) arrived, the world looked much better :smiley:

RapidWeaver is only used for some run’n’gun websites, and quick prototypes to demonstrate screen flows. I want to replace RW one day with Wappler (RW is quite powerfull, with tousands of so-called Stacks to extend functionality)

IntellIJ, VS Code and Nova for the day jobs :slight_smile:

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