Apex chart not displayed in browser

I trying with apex chart - made simple bar chart and seems in Wappler is normal, but in browser have problem.

I have that data structure

and have additional question - how from dmx methods can use to extract linear array from multidimensional query response?
Where can I see the description of the methods of the dmx object?

I think the expression returns undefined in the browser. In Wappler design view only the template is loaded and the server connect is directly in the root top level. In the browser the template is wrapped by the main page and the server connect is not in the root anymore, so the expression couldn’t find it.

Try getting the data with:

dmx.parse('data.pki', dmx.app.find('parking_pki'))
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List of all the dmx functions - Wappler General / How To - Wappler Community

Patrick, thank you very much - it really works!