Anyone built complete mobile app?

Hi, Anyone built complete mobile app using wappler and framework 7, along with server connect?

Is there any tutorial available that shows complete mobile app from scratch without using kitchen sink template…with all kind of features, API data, list view, tabs, images, videos, etc…

this will help all of us to understand the flow…please do one if not available yet…

Hi Thines,
Yes we have deployed Mobile Apps (only Android for now) featuring all the above aside from API connections but I can’t see that being an issue as everything else works fine with some Manifest tweaks. Had to figure it out for ourselves as like you we could not find any documentation to support this feature other than fragmented threads here on the forum, and a lot of re-direction to the Android Studio documentation.

We used Bootstrap and not Framework 7 but the basic principles are the same. Here is my tutorial on setting everything up, Part III will be uploaded soon which will cover the required changes needed to allow for dynamic content.

Hope it helps.