Any plans to accept PayPal payments?

My credit card keeps rejecting my Wappler payment as “high risk” (I’m in the U.S. - payment is in Europe, etc.). Does Wappler have any plans to allow PayPal payments?

Unfortunately we are not planning to accept payments through PayPal.
You can call your bank and authorize the payment(s), this is required for some banks in the US as we are based in Europe.

Thank you, Teodor. My pro subscription expired yesterday, and the banks are closed for the Independence Day Holiday. Surely there must be a better way to do this.

We have a grace period for a few days when retrying failed payments, so if you just call your bank tomorrow and let them approve the payment - it should be all fine.

Many banking apps also have in app enablers for international payments that you might try, but that is bank dependent.

Banks are closed tomorrow also for Independence day observed, but I will call my bank on Tuesday.
Thank you,

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