Is it possible with swiper to scroll through all the slides without stopping?
Is it possible with swiper to scroll through all the slides without stopping?
Well, just enable looping.
Hello Teodor, loop is already activated but I still have a stop time every 3 slides, but I think I have to change the slide group value? to not have a stop and have a continuous scrolling without stopping?
<div is="dmx-swiper" id="swiper5" dmx-bind:slides="ListeAvis.data.query" class=" pt-3 pb-3 ps-3 pe-3" dmx-bind:initial-slide="1" autoplay="true" speed="10000" vertical="true" auto-height="true" space-between="30" loop="true" slides-per-view="3" slides-per-group="3">
When you use 3 slides per group, slides will scroll by 3.