All Query Parameters wiped?

So i guess the solution for now.. is not to change the APP ID for your pages.. once they are created... and keep the same APP ID... if you want your parameter to remain..... thanks for the video.

It would really help if perhaps when changing from an app id which has associated parameters, a popup appeared with a choice to clear old parameters or not.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix this! Am lucky that my little old laptop doesn't throw a hissy fit that often but when it does and a Project is open this empties the file of its contents and its annoying as /INSERT EXPLETIVE\ ...


There is a related known bug on Electron and team is waiting for a fix...

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As always, looking at the GitHub Issues for Electron, George is already on it (posting yesterday asking about a resolution)... I do apologise George, should have known you would be on the case.