Advice needed on sub-apps - one update for all

Important question:

  1. Were you planning to use Wappler UI for this deployment of multiple instances?

Now, my advice following ahead assuming you answered “no” to the question above:

So, the idea would be to re-use the same docker-compose file as different projects:


This would create “customer_1”, “customer_2”, etc. “projects”

A Bash script to re-deploy the docker-compose files would do the job, which would pull an updated container (Docker) image (which you’d have to create previously somehow). However, this doesn’t apply migrations (DB changes), because it’s missing this feature request (or similar):

In each project folder (in each customer folder) write a docker-compose.override.yml that adds the custom domain setting (e.g.: Traefik labels)

I know this post is a bit technical, but “complex” requests have “complex” solutions :man_shrugging:

If you need professional help, @ tbvgl is available for hire. Do note, regardless, Wappler is still lacking exposing DB migrations inside containers which is required for decent DB schema updates. This could be worked around by creating another Bash script that would rsync the migrations from your project to the remote server, and somehow apply them

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