Adding app connect breaks the page - using Hyper 2.0 Admin Dashboard Template

App Connects hides the body and shows it when it finishes loading, that is to prevent users seeing all the unformatted html. It seems that the sidebar needs to be visible to render the height correctly.

App connect uses display: none to hide the document on render, you can try to override it with:

<style> body { display: block !important; } </style>

Themes like this are typical example of “you ask for a banana and you get the gorilla and a whole jungle with it”

You must ask yourself - what will you really be using from such theme? Just the colors and layout? Then you might be better off just rebuilding it from scratch in Wappler.

All the included widgets and components are very custom ones that will require you to code intensively to use them. in Wappler there are already similar components available for charts and date time pickers - that you can use without coding.

So with very little work you can just use the Wappler own components to create the same results - much easier.

So instead of trying to adjust the theme and losing way too much time. You will be better off rebuilding it from scratch.

Or just contact the makers and let them create a Wappler version of the template - powered with the Wappler components - so you can just use it directly and bind it just with your own data - without any programming.

Currently such themes are meant as people who can code intensively and can use the theme as starting point and just program all the functionality further. And I’m not sure if that is what you want and need.


Thanks for your recommendation. I send all these discussion to the hyper dashboard provider, though I beleive I won’t get my money back.

Regarding to create from scratch a dashboard using Wappler, It’s an idea I don’t like very much, I’m not very creative for creating new pages, that’s why themes usually are very attractive for me.

Is there any dashboard theme compatible with wappler?

Forget about my previous reply. I took a better look.

The reason is because element #left-side-menu-container height is set to 0. If you change it to an amount of pixels you can see it’s there. clientheight reports 0 and I am assuming this is related to what patrick mentioned about hiding the body.