400 error Send Mail

Unsure where to go from here. Any insight would be appreciated. The website and email have different hosts.

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

Please provide the exact error message as explained here: Debugging Server Connect Errors

That is not the error message. As explained in the docs, please click here and see the response:


You are almost there… click here:

I really think this has already been explained in details in the article i sent you.

It was, again apologies.

I’m assuming input 1 and 2 are what we see on the left hand side where you entered the first name and a number?

This error is saying they are empty so something might be named wrong

On your inputs what is their name attribute just under the classes:

And in your api action (they will be under post not get this was just to show the area) what is listed here these names should match the inputs

Many thanks for the guidance, much appreciated. Appears the name field is incorrect.

After making suggested changes and double-checking names matched inputs and API action; as well as SMTP authentication being enabled I am getting the following error: Any insight would be appreciated.

Hi Sidehustle,

There have been issues when using the Office365 SMTP mail server. I have had similar issues with Office365. When checking on Microsoft forums about this issue, some have suggested disabling Office365 Security Policies for the SMTP authentication to work correctly, which I wouldn’t recommend.

I am using a third party SMTP mail server Mailgun (free up to 1000 emails per month) by adding the required SPF and DomainKey records (provided by Mailgun when domain name amgood.design is added in their system) to the domain’s DNS records.

Hi Guptast,

Thank you for your insight; I will look into Mailgun immediately. Again, thank you!

You are welcome, Sidehustle. Let me know if you need any assistance in setting up Mailgun with the Office365 account.

That’s very kind of you, and appreciated. Reviewing Mailgun now – will advise!

Hi Guptast,

As an FYI Mailgun no longer has a free plan; good news you have me on the right path!

@Sidehustle try sendgrid, they still have a free plan for 100 emails a day

@TMR thanks, I’ll look into sendgrid. I appreciate the feedback, many thanks!

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@TMR Curious if you are using the SMTP relay or WEB API w/sendgrid. I went with the SMTP relay and got a 535 authentication error: bad username and password. Host: smtp.sendgrid.net Port: 465 User name: “name selected for API key” password: “the (long) password generated for the API key”

Miss anything? Thank you in advance for your consideration!

Of note username: apikey returns same error.

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